Monday, February 18, 2008


When I got outside at night to smoke or just hang out when it's nice out, if I look to the left it's always brighter over there. Now I know that this is because of the mall or something, but in mind, I've decided this is Brightland. In Brightland, it never snows or rains. It's 75 and sunny all the time. There are rainbows and puppy dogs running around constantly. There's lots of green, lush grass and flowers as far as the eye can see. In Brightland you don't have to work. There's no cost of living. All you have to do is be happy and enjoy life. I will one day become ruler of Brightland. When I do, you all will have a house there waiting. :)


Leigh said...

YIPPEE! Can my house come with a barn so I can bring my horseys?? HUGS!!!

Nikki said...

In Brightland, you can have all the room you need for your horseys :)

Leigh said...

YIPPPEE! Then I will come live there with you. :)

AnnaMarie said...

I bet property values there are ridiculous.

Nikki said...

You don't have to worry about paying for a house though, I will have one for you there. :)

beinmyOWNself said...

yeah, so where is the bureau located in brightland? it's gotta have one....and does dad still get to be secretary of awesome cars?